Nana, Gpa, Erica, Meg, Panama, Amaya at ChuckE.Cheese

Almost the whole crew hanging with Chuck-E-Cheese

Gpa, Momma, Amaya

Meg and Panama
Amaya loves playing (pounding) on the computer. She is growing so quickly! Here are some of the things she now does:
-She started walking backwards, and thinks it is so funny to bump into things
-She loves feeding her animals, giving them kisses, and talking to them
-She walks Kasy like a big girl-holding the leash all by herself...she also has a little dog that she love walking around the house
-She continues to love swimming-she now steps off the side of the pool into Gpa's awaiting arms-She is laughing the whole time
-She LOVES bananas and wakes up in the morning, walks into the kitchen, points to the nanas and says"nana-nana-nana" (this has to be her favorite word-it means all things good) We are trying to teach her please...but that may take awhile yet (Wonder where she inherited her love of food?)
-She uses her fork and spoon all by herself! No thanks to any of us day a couple weeks ago, she took the fork and has been feeding herself with one ever since
-She is a climber-thanks to her cousin, who is a fearless climber herself-Amaya thinks it is so great to climb on just about anything
-She still has a voice =) Loves to talk-talk-talk
I am sure I am missing so many things. She never ceases to amaze me!