
The final 6-Weeks

Our final date night visiting Meg-Out at the Honkey Tonks

Dinner at Judge Bean's Bar-B-Que with Michael's family

Our little adventurer moves her stroller around and then stands on it to get what she wants...really safe huh...

Helping to clean in our casita (Panama and I decided this was a good name for the apartment)

Amaya hair is long enough to do full pig tails

Our final 6-weeks before Germany have been a whirlwind. Here are some pictures to document the time.

Finally in Germany!

Hallo! We made it =) It has been a VERY busy 6 weeks since I sent our last blog. We enjoyed the weeks in our apartment-swimming in the pools, grilling out, spending time with Meg, Panama, Eric, Nana, and Grandpa, and playing at the playground. I finished my final year of teaching (at least for a little while) and Michael came home. It was great to spend time together.

The flight to Germany was interesting...Michael and I will are able to laugh about it now =) 1. We started out having a 2 hour delay in Nashville, 2. then an extra hour in the plane to our midway point. 3. We missed our connecting flight, 4. the next flight did not leave out until the following evening. 5. We stayed the night in an airport hotel (with the cat-no kitty litter...thank goodness the hotel was very helpful). 6. The flight the following day was delayed 6. We sat on the plane for 55 minutes before taking off. 7. Amaya only slept 3 hours of the 8.5 on the plane. 8. Our luggage went missing for 4 days. But we got it =) And it ended up being a blessing because they delivered it directly to us.

Of course we took it all in stride. Over the past couple days Michael passed the drivers test, we accomplished many of the things we needed to do, and this morning we found a house...which is GREAT! We cannot wait to finally be able to move in and get settled. More pictures to come.

Amaya is adjusting-she has been in and out of the car for the past couple days and then airplane traveling the two days prior. Her poor little body is all out of whack. It was a little better last night, and I am hoping even better tonight. Tomorrow we have free =) so we will take her out and play for the day. She is saying many new words and sounds. She loves seeing and saying "doggie, puppy, ducky, tree, leaf, thank you (dank da), Panama (Anama), Nana/Banana (Nana), up, meow (eow), baa-baa." She is quite the talker. She loves climbing and sliding. She can climb and slide all on her own and actually does not want any help. She is a little adventurist.