
Our 6 month Princess

OneLove Jazz Festival in Nashville
Amaya's daily lunch visit for "mummum" (as Panama calls it)-Amaya is featured in her handmade dress from Nicaragua given to her by Auntie Meg

Four Funny Faces 
All in a span of a couple minutes
She is a character!

Unbelievable, but Amaya is 6 1/2 months old! She is now all over the house performing her Army crawl. She has yet to crawl on her hands, but it does not matter to her, because she can move wherever she wants to go-of course she always heads straight towards the dog/cat bowl =) She is also pulling her self up to standing position! I don't think I am ready to see her grow so quickly!!!

We started her on rice cereal at 6 months and are introducing a new and exciting food every 7 days. So far she has had peas (a 5 on a 1-10 scale) and green beans (a 6 1/2). Of course we are a "by the book" family, especially with daddy's nursing expertise =) Next week...we will be featuring avocado! Yum, so exciting...

Micheal had a blast with Amaya while mommy started back at work. It has been a whirl wind for us here at the house. During those 3 weeks Michael managed to teach Amaya to say "dadadadada" all day long...grandpa had her for a week and now she is saying "dadadapapapapa."  Nana and I are left in the dust! How quickly little girls learn how to butter up  daddy and grandpa =) Amaya is talking, talking, talking...she has a very funny growl that she does as well-it gets us all laughing (Nana plays scared, and Amaya loves it).

School is going well for Michael. We cannot believe this is his final semester and he will be graduating in December. We are all so proud of him!