
Hello Cincinnati!

Leaving the House-Amaya's silent display of disapproval for the 5-hour drive =)
Mommy and Daddy were so excited for the trip!

Cincinnati Zoo-and Amaya's 1st train ride!

St. Mary's Basilica in Covington KY

Michael and Amaya in front of Jungle Jim's

Amaya's first trip was to Cincinnati.  Michael, Erica, and Amaya headed out Saturday morning for a 5-hour drive into Cincinnati.  Amaya traveled wonderfully (notice her hand as we pulled out of the driveway-she silently let mom and dad know how she felt about the 5-hour drive).  We made a pit-stop in Bowling Green and then drive the final 3 hours straight. 

Why Cincinnati...well we had to see Jungle Jim's for ourselves. 
What is Jungle Jim's...a grocery store =) If you know Michael, you know why we went here. They have 4100 hot sauces and Mangosteen-a fruit that Michael had as a child in Thailand. 
--We also visited the zoo, the riverwalk, the Basilica, and the aquarium. Amaya had a busy, but wonderful trip!!!